Parents & Students


Our chalet includes a full cafeteria (
Sending your child on a school trip without a pre-made lunch? $20 is generally enough for most students to get a meal, drink and snack during the day.
Students with school groups are not permitted in the Bar/Lounge at any time.

All School Trip participants must wear a helmet including students, parents, teachers and/or volunteers.

Students attach their lift ticket on an article or clothing they will wear all day. It must be visible at all times.

Snow School lessons (mandatory for day visits) are 1 hour of instruction with our certified instructors, using terrain that suits your child's ability level.

We are pleased to provide you with special discount rates on lift tickets and equipment rentals when reserved in advance with your child's school as a supervisor!

Not sure if you can volunteer with the school? We still provide discounted lift tickets at the ticket counter for family members who can participate last minute. Please indicate which school you are with prior to purchasing your lift ticket for the day.

Rental Equipment

Participants renting will be asked for their:

  • Weight
  • Height
  • Shoe size

The information you provide for your child(ren) and/or yourself will determine how the ski binding will release in the event of a fall. Please take filling out the online forms seriously and submit as soon as possible. Please follow the link sent home by the school and complete registration for all participants attending the trip(s).

Don't borrow equipment from someone else unless you have a certified person re-adjust the ski bindings to your personal settings.

Preparing for your day

Check out these videos ( for parents to know how to dress appropriately, stay safe, and have a great day on the slopes!


Protect your belongings! Please do not bring valuables on school trips. If this is unavoidable, store them in a locker. Small daily lockers are available in the main lodge and work with loonies.

First Aid

Safety First! Then Fun & Learning!

  • Certified Canadian Ski Patrollers work to keep students safe!
  • Report incidents to Ski Patrol or Snow School Staff

Lost and Found

Located at the front desk in the main lobby.